Happy New Year Slice of Lifers (and everyone else who reads this hot mess!). I hope this beginning week of 2021 has been especially sweet for you. Who knew at this point last year that we’d be in the pickle we are right now? But, we are slowly moving ourselves forward towards a normal that is not necessarily the normal we want, but the normal we deserve, being the anti-mask, anti-science nation we are.

But I digress! 🙂


Fine. On New Year’s Day, I published my One Little Word for 2021, Clarity. It just felt like the right time, the first of the year to make that a priority in my life, thus the early submission. This week, I’ve had my students go back and have a look at their One Little Words for the year, which has been a good thing for them.


Yes, I know, but bear with me. In their Kidblog, they were to state what their OLW was, then write a few sentences on whether or not that word fit them. I like this idea because we are essentially half way done with the school year. If you word doesn’t fit, then right now is the best time for a change. So, they write about their word, then in closing, they either reaffirm themselves to their word OR they have the chance to make a change. They explain what their new word is and why it might be a better fit for them.


I know, right? Through the moaning and groaning, I got to see *gasp* personal growth! Some students gave examples on how they were brave, positive, and adventurous. I also got examples on how students lacked joy, positivity, and passion. One student wrote that the only positive thing her life was soccer because school and her home were not positive at all.


Anyway, I like that idea of creating the OLW for students and the beginning of the year and revisiting it right now. I’ve done this two years now and am looking forward to continuing this new tradition for our writing. It just fits who sixth graders are and it forces them to be self-aware, never a bad thing to do.

As for me, I won’t go too deep into my blog about clarity, I’ll force you into doing another click to see it, but I like the word for this year. I turn 50 in April and right now, I need clarity more than ever in my personal and professional lives. We’ll see if I can make it happen, because truly, I feel like I’m running out of chances to make the changes needed to be happy and healthy down the road.


If I can find it, I feel like there’s very little that I cannot do. I’d love to explore a “side hustle” (Look at me all hip with the lingo) in writing. I feel like there’s a niche out there for a guy’s perspective on many topics. No, I’ll never leave teaching, but damn, if I could find something I could do where I was more the boss, how could would that be!?! Plus, 700+ blog posts, I could do this.

Anyway, I hope your new year is off to a tremendous start and keep finding ways to seek clarity. It will never be a bad thing to see life more clear! 🙂