I’m feeling right now like the Iowa men’s basketball team. They have a decent record of 21 wins and 7 losses. They have a winning record in the month of February, something not done for a number of years. They’ve won three games at the end with some simply amazing shooting.


They’ve lost their mojo. Those wins are against the bottom half the conference. Tonight, they got stomped, 90 – 70 by a team that’s NOT in the bottom half the conference! Big difference.

I’m feeling that same way. I’m feeling like my mojo has gotten up and wandered off. It’s not a real good feeling, that one where you just don’t feel like yourself. I’m either being reactive or feel like I’m running in sludge. Nothing is in focus. Part of it is due to, you guessed it, snow. Last week I wrote about a snow day, and this week another. The blizzard was not good to us here in Iowa!


Part of it is just not feeling connected at work like I have in the past. Asked another teacher if she’s feeling connected this year, and to my surprise, she said, “No.” So that one is not all me. Others feel it too.

So, what do you do when your mojo is gone? Tonight, it’s writing about it. Tomorrow, it’s going to spin class and running. Thursday, it’s slapping on a smile for parent teacher conference, with maybe a TINA meeting afterwards. Friday, it’s volunteering in my wife’s transitional kindergarten class. Saturday, who knows, it’s supposed to snow again!

We keep plugging away, trying to find that magic cure, but often, it’s in our own habits. My wife is reading The Energy Bus, and there’s tons of good mojo to be found in that book. I could drive with a purpose? Think with the end in mind? Be proactive? How many different motivational quotes could I use??


Or I could just say, “I’ll do better tomorrow than I did today,” go climb into bed, and dream of a better tomorrow.

That, my friends, sounds like a plan! So, I raise my glass to you, whether you’ve got your mojo right or not. We all struggle, and I just want you to know, I see you, I understand, and I’m with you.

Here’s to a better tomorrow!