I know everyone’s been looking forward to this post! Ok, I’m the only person who’s been looking forward to this post has been me, but I’m good with that too!


So, first, Pitbull.


Now, some of his stuff is pretty much boobs and butts, however, he’s got a remix out with Dolly Parton called “Powerful Women”. He did a song during 2020 called “I Believe That We Will Win – A World Anthem”. Both are great songs with positive message behind them, so of course, they are both on my list of favorites.

I’ve found some pretty good music on TikTok of all places. First, I’ve found a morning show all The Morning Shift from Austriala. They have a segment on Friday called “Friday’s Forgotten Bangers” which is two things. One, they are pretty kick a** songs that have been pushed aside by the sands of time. And two, the segment itself is laugh out loud funny! These guys talk about totally irrelevant things, and it’s just fun to see clips of their tomfoolery!

Another artist I’ve found on TikTok is a man named Connor Price, a rapper from Canada. He blew up on TikTok with creative skits featuring his music. One of his most popular skits involves him spinning a globe, closing his eyes, and stopping the globe with his finger on a country. He then finds a musician from that country to collaborate with, publishing the song on his musical platforms. His latest was with a 16 year old rapper from India with limited English, but the feel for the music and beat. The song, Custom, has over a million streams on Spotify.

It’s late, again, so I leave you with one other artist that I’ve enjoyed for years. The group name is Caro Emerald and it’s another eletro-swing group, a style of music that I just love. Her voice is a throwback to a big band era, brassy and sultry. Their blurb on the YouTube page talks about “smokey hiphop beats” which there are many. It’s a group that I listen to before school or right as they kids come in. They give me some weird looks, but it’s all good.

I suppose I should mention the latin influence too. I have student that run to me saying, “Mr., can I show you a song??”. Of course you can! I have a sixth grade casanova, so he sharing all these love songs with me. I have another student who loves the more traditional music with lots of brass and guitars. I have another student who loves the latin rap music, so thick beat and heavy bass. Honestly, I love Spanish/Hispanic music, so whatever they bring me, I love it!

And that’s it! What new stuff have you found? What you enjoy? Please, tell me, I need to know! 🙂