So, now what?

I’ve check out for the year.

Grades are done.

Room in clean(ish).

So, now what?

I tweeted out that I’m guardedly optimistic about next year, yet, there will be the residual idiocy that will be on education for years because of the pandemic.

Iowa’s elected state officials have gleefully under funded public education for a decade with little regard for the damage they are doing on the people of their state.

Our governor signed a “law” where it’s illegal to set mask mandates. In a pandemic. Where not all students have not been vaccinate yet. Because it’s not about a pandemic anymore, it’s political. Our governor has been on Fox News, touting Iowa’s “response” while we sit on a billion dollars in rainy day and budget surplus from LAST year, not doing anything for Iowans.

And finally, there will be more change at our school. Nothing that can be discussed at this point, but change, it’s coming. I’m a guy that finds most change nauseating at best. This amount of change turns my stomach. Big time.


First, disconnect. I need to keep things going because I need ideas for 7th and 8th grade technology classes, along with Minecraft because I’m thinking we can get a building club going, but otherwise, why? Dealing with trolls is fun, but it’s like candy, sweet but unsatisfying. Plus, I get more and more of my “friends” who are showing their true colors about things I’m finding I hold dear.

Second, keep writing. That part I will not disconnect. I love writing and with a little more time, would like to write more. No books, just me and life around me.

Third, read. I have a bunch of books by my bed that need to be read. Disconnecting means more time to do something, and reading sounds good. Plus, reading about tech, about social studies, about Minecraft, all of these can’t be all bad, right?? 🙂

Fourth, PLAY Minecraft. If I want a club, then I need to be able to problem solve the problems that might happen. Plus, who doesn’t like to geek out while slaying zombies??

Finally, be outside. Whether gardening, camping, riding bikes, maybe even running (#fatmanrunning), or drinking a beer, I just need to get out, period.

We’ll see what all I get to, but heck, if I can get some of that stuff done, it will make it a mental detox type of summer.

Something that we all need right now.